Going In For Surgery? 4 Things You Need To Share With Your Surgeon

If you're scheduled for surgery, your surgeon will request a copy of your medical history. You might think that's all the information they'll need about your condition. But that's not the case. For your surgeon to ensure your health and safety during surgery, they need to know as much about you as possible. This includes information that you might not think your surgeon needs to know. When you have your consultation with the surgeon who will be performing your surgery, make sure you provide them with all the information they'll need. Here are four pieces of information you should share before you have your surgery. 

Tobacco Use

If you smoke, it's important that you share that information. This is especially important if you haven't told your primary care physician about your tobacco use. You might not realize this, but tobacco use can cause serious problems during surgery. It can also interfere with your recovery. In fact, tobacco use may require you to have additional oxygen during and after your surgery. It may also require you to stay on the ventilator longer after surgery. To avoid tobacco-related complications, be sure to tell your surgeon about your tobacco use. 

Drug Allergies

If you're allergic to any medications, be sure to share that information with your surgeon. You may have it listed on your medical records. But it's still a good idea to go over those allergies with your surgeon. That way, they can make sure the medications are visible on your medical records during surgery. It's also a good idea to check your hospital ID bracelet when you check into the hospital. You want to make sure that your allergies are listed there. 

Anesthesia Issues

If you've had other surgeries in the past, talk to your surgeon about them. This is especially important where anesthesia is concerned. If you've ever had issues with anesthesia during any of your surgeries, your surgeon needs to know the details. For instance, if you took longer than expected to recover from anesthesia or you had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia, talk to your surgeon about the issues. This information will help your surgeon prepare for your surgery. 

Fevers or Illness

Finally, if you're not feeling well on the day of your surgery, let your surgeon know, especially if you think you have a fever. If you have a fever on the day of your surgery, your surgeon may need to postpone the procedure. That's because fevers are often the sign of infection. If you have an infection on the day of your surgery, it could lead to postoperative complications.

For more information speak with a general surgeon
