Acupressure Might Help Your Chronic Tension Headaches And Neck Pain

If you have frequent headaches coupled with tension and soreness in your neck and shoulders, acupressure might help. Aches and soreness in your neck, head, and shoulder are often the result of physical or emotional stress. When you're anxious, you may keep your muscles contracted, and that leads to soreness. You might also develop problems like this if you have poor posture while working on the computer for long periods. The strain on your neck can irritate a nerve that radiates pain to your head and shoulder. Acupressure helps by releasing tension and energy blocks so your neck and shoulders are returned to a more normal state. Here's what to expect with this type of therapy.

Ways To Take An Acupressure Treatment

You can take an acupressure treatment in different ways, but if you want to take the therapy to treat a condition such as tension neck pain and headaches, then going to a professional practitioner is best. Some types of acupressure lend themselves well to self-treatment. For instance, you can press on a wrist point to relieve nausea from car sickness. However, to treat more complex issues, you have to locate the precise point and apply pressure to it correctly. This might be difficult to do yourself if the point is on the back of your body or other hard to reach place.

A professional has tools that allow him or her to apply deep pressure if indicated. Plus, a professional is educated on the precise location of points and which point is best for each ailment. Pressure may need to be held for several minutes at a time to receive benefit from the treatment. Applying acupressure takes skill and knowledge for it to be done correctly. A practitioner may combine the treatment with massage or a chiropractic adjustment to enhance healing depending on the type of practitioner you choose to visit.

What Happens When You Take A Treatment

Treatments are usually given with you resting on a massage table. The process is similar to undergoing acupuncture since the same points are stimulated. The difference is that no needles are used so you can remain clothed and comfortable. Instead of needles, the practitioner uses fingers, elbows, feet, or wooden knob to apply pressure to a point on your body. The point may not be located in the area where you have pain. The pressure may be steady, or it may be applied in a rubbing or circular motion.

Acupressure treatments are often very relaxing and much like massage, the relaxation effect alone helps drain tension from your body. Sometimes, the treatments can be somewhat painful, especially when pressure is applied to a trigger point where muscle fibers are knotted from tension. Working out tension points is important to restoring normal blood flow to the area so healing can take place. It's possible you'll notice relief from pain during your session, but to have lasting effects, you might need to have a few treatments. The good thing about acupressure is you can have treatments as often as you need since they have no harmful side effects when done properly.

Almost everyone can benefit from acupressure whether you want relief from headache pain or just to feel healthier and more energized. Let your practitioner know your medical history first because your treatment may need to be avoided or adapted if you're pregnant or have a medical condition such as cancer.Contact a provider, such as at Academy Spine & Physical Therapy, for more help.
