3 Tips For Managing Your IBS During Pregnancy

If you have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is also known as IBS, you have probably found at least some relief from it by changing your diet, using prescription or over the counter medications or a combination of those activities. Unfortunately, many medications cannot be taken safely during pregnancy, which means that your symptoms are likely to return. In addition, the changes associated with impending motherhood can cause the challenges associated with your illness to worsen. The good news is that there are several things you can do to help alleviate your symptoms without risking the health and well-being of your baby, as explained below.

#1-Understand What Are--And Are Not--Normal Pregnancy Symptoms 

It is important to note that some of the symptoms of IBS can be remarkably similar to normal experiences of pregnancy. For instance, the nausea that IBS is known for can seem like morning sickness, and the bloating it is associated with can seem like the normal body changes due to your pregnancy. If you have diarrhea that is so bad that it results in dehydration, and are at increased risk of re-term labor and miscarriage, do not delay in making the necessary changes to treat your IBS

You can try to clarify which symptoms are normal for pregnant women and which ones are your IBS rearing its ugly head by starting a food and symptom diary. You will need to be very specific, so listing the details of your food and your physical symptoms over several days or weeks can allow you to work with your doctor to minimize your symptoms. By knowing the triggers of your symptoms, you can create a meal plan that excludes specific foods, spices, condiments, etc.

#2-Find Some New Medications To Treat The Problem

If you have been taking prescription medications to ease your gastric distress, it may seem as if weaker doses and over-the-counter medications will not be effective. However, sometimes something as minor as fiber supplements can be very powerful.

It will also be a good idea to speak with your physician about the use of a stool softener. You should always avoid any laxatives containing senna, as they are frequently hard on your system and have been known to cause diarrhea when you simply want to treat your constipation.

#3-Baby Your Colon Like You Will Care For Your Actual Baby

As a parent, you will be making big decisions about the health and well-being of your child for many years. Just as you will probably need to restrict your child from excess sugar, fried foods and junk foods, you will also need to make those decisions for yourself and your colon. 

A healthy diet during pregnancy is crucial and is more likely to result in a healthy mom. As a result, even if you wake up at 2:00 in the morning desperately craving a fried pie and a chocolate milkshake, remember that you do not actually need them. In addition, if you can keep in mind how terrible you will probably feel after indulging your cravings, it can make it easier to choose fruit and a healthy beverage.     

In conclusion, IBS is a challenging illness that can be managed but cannot be permanently cured as of March, 2016. Since you will probably need to change the ways that you manage your illness during pregnancy, the above tips can make it easier to get through your pregnancy with a minimum of discomfort and abdominal distress.
