Natural Solutions For Healing Cracked Heels

Cracked heels can make it embarrassing for you to wear shoes and sandals that expose your heels. This can be problematic, because it often interferes with your sense of style and comfort. Fortunately, there are simple ways that you can get rid of cracked heels on your own. Here are two recipes you can try at home that will help to solve the problem.

The Mouthwash And Shaving Cream Solution

Mouth wash and shaving cream are highly effective at smoothing cracked heels. The antiseptic in the mouthwash will remove bacteria from your heels, while the shaving cream will moisturize your heels. The following recipe will show you how to effectively combine mouthwash and shaving cream to smooth your heels.

  1. Get a large wash pan and pour in two cups of warm water.
  2. Pour two cups of any antiseptic mouthwash into the wash pan.
  3. Rub shaving cream all over your feet.
  4. Get a hand towel and soak it in the antiseptic mouthwash and shaving cream solution.
  5. Wrap the damp hand towel around your feet that you have lathered with shaving cream.
  6. Sit in a chair and put your feet up on a stool or any form of footrest that you choose for at least half an hour.
  7. Once half an hour has passed, you can remove the hand towel from your feet.
  8. Add even more moisturize to your feet with a lotion that contains Vitamin E or coco butter.

If, after using this treatment once, you still want your heels to become smoother, simply repeat the treatment daily until you get the desired results.

Combine Mouthwash And Vinegar To Smooth Your Heels

You can combine the antiseptic power of mouthwash with the anti-bacterial, cleansing action of vinegar to remove dead skin cells from your cracked heels. The following recipe will leave your heels looking nice and smooth and it can be repeated as often as you desire.

  1. Pour three cups of warm water into a wash pan.
  2. Add one cup of white cane or apple cider vinegar to the water.
  3. Soak your feet in the water for at least fifteen minutes.
  4. Use a foot file to gently scrub the dead skin cells off your heels.
  5. Moisturize your feet with your favorite vitamin-enriched lotion or a lotion that contains coco butter.

Healing cracked heels with natural remedies is one of the easiest and most cost-effective things you can do to keep your heels smooth and crack free. for more advice, speak to experts like Foot & Ankle Care Center PA.
