3 Tips For Giving Your Aging Parent More Freedom And Mobility

As your parents get older, the roles change, and you want to make sure that you are taking care of them, rather than them taking care of you. You want to make sure that no matter what struggles they may have with mobility or other issues, that they are able to be comfortable in their home. This article will discuss 3 tips for giving your parent more freedom and mobility within their own home.

Purchase Them Home Mobility Aids

If your parent has a hard time getting around their home without some type of support, then getting them a home mobility aid from providers, such as Twin City Stair Lifts, is a great idea. These mobility aids oftentimes come with wheels on them, and handles that your parent can hold onto as they walk around. There is also a cushioned seat right in the center of this mobility aid, so that your parent can sit down and rest whenever they would like. There are also other home mobility aids, such as electronic chairs that take your parent up the stairs and mobility scooters if your parent can't stand for long. 

Re-Organize Their Home Items So They Are Easier To Get To

In order to make it easier for your parent to get to all of the items that they need to within their home, you can move them to easier-to-reach areas. You can place all of the kitchen items they use in the lower shelves, so they don't have to reach up to get them. You can also do this in the bathrooms and laundry room. If they have a hard time reaching the hangers in their closet, you can transition them to the dresser drawers, or create a lower clothing rack. 

Purchase Aiding Tools To Assist Them

Despite moving all of their home items to easier-to-reach areas, your parent may still need some extra help to get to these items. There are several different types of tools that can be purchased and used to help assist your parent in doing several daily living tasks. You can purchase them an extendable hand that will help them to grasp handles and doors if they have problems with arthritis. You can also use this extendable hand to help them get to items that may be just slightly out of their reach. You can have handles installed onto their beds and also in their showers to help them get up and down, and in and out without slipping, tripping, falling, or otherwise injuring themselves.
